Equity Acknowledgments
I feel in my body that my liberation is bound up with yours

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Personal Acknowledgment
I am a non-binary/ woman of color, black/biracial, human being/ earthling who was born into the collective consciousness as it existed in 1982. I was raised in Oakland, California on the West Coast of the United States of America. I was raised by colonized humans and I was instructed by my ancestors to reclaim my indigeneity, with humility and accountability. I am romantically/sexually attracted to all types of humans and I have had several invisible disabilities. I speak English as a first language. I have lived in a fat body for much of my life. I have never lived outside of the United States of America. I have ways of perceiving and processing life that strengthen and embolden me, though they are considered divergent from a mythical "norm." I hold no degrees, and very few certifications, and I speak with the wisdom and authority of Life because Life requested it.
I acknowledge that my worldview is limited to the times, places, and body I inhabit. Therefore, I will only ever see Part Of The Whole. I welcome your Part Of The Whole into my worldview. I submit this website and these acknowledgments as my Piece of The Whole.
Timeley Acknowledgments
Acknowledgment for Rafah and Palestine
I acknowledge that genocide is happening, and must not be allowed to continue unopposed if we want to embody the values and commitments of peace, justice, love, or "Never Again." I reject the narrative of Palestinians as "terrorists" and demand a #cease-fire and a cessation of American financial support to Israel. As a descendant of Polish Holocaust survivors, I commit to healing Jewish trauma in all its forms and opposing Zionism at all times.
Acknowledgment for Immigrants and Migration
I acknowledge migration as a core and beneficial behavior in human beings. I acknowledge Central and South American ChicanA/O/E people as the descendants of people indigenous to The Americas who cannot be called "immigrants" to "America." I acknowledge the incalculable contributions to "America" from immigrants from around the world and I reject Xenophobia, and the fear of diversity in all its forms.
In alpabetical order
Acknowledgment for Asian and Pacific Islander Lives
I acknowledge that Asian lives are essential to the flourishing of humanity, and I reject Asian hate in all its forms. I embrace people of Asian descent as my beloved family and neighbors and stand with them in solidarity, never allowing us to be divided and conquered by the Model Minority Myth. I acknowledge the power, strength, and beauty of people of Asian descent and thank them for sharing the gift of wind and mind with the world.
Acknowledgment for All Levels of Ability and Sensitivity
I acknowledge that a diversity of human sensitivity and ability is essential to the flourishing of humanity, and I reject “normality” as a goal and the worldview that homogeneity is a positive attribute. I embrace the diversity of sensitivities, skills, abilities, and ways of perceiving and processing that contribute to the flourishing of life on Earth and the resilience of humanity, born of diversity.
Acknowledgment for Black Lives
I acknowledge that black lives are essential to the flourishing of humanity and I reject anti-blackness in all its forms. I embrace the transformative power of blackness in all its forms. From the void of outer space that holds all creation, to the power of the little black dress, to the ability of black folks to inhale racism, transform it into raw power, and exhale beauty. From every popular dance craze in the US since the end of slavery, to global music phenomenons jazz, hip hop, rap, rock and roll, and pop music.

Acknowledgment for Elders and Elderhood
I acknowledge that Elderhood is essential for the flourishing of humanity and Elder Wisdom holds a sacred view of human life from the precipice of the void of dying and rebirth. I honor the Elderhood as a created dimension of being only embraced by the bold who claim reality, truth, and death, and in doing so become everlasting. I acknowledge those who become Elders, not simply Olders, for their service to us all. May we honor your wisdom with our own.
Acknowledgment for Fat and Fat People
I acknowledge that fat is essential to the flourishing of humanity and that humans without fat cannot survive. I reject all permutations of anti-blackness, including fat phobia. I honor fat people as lovable, beautiful, capable, and profound demonstrations of the power of lubrication in an oppressive world of friction. I honor fas as essential to health in a that worships malnourishment. I gratefully receive fat people's contributions to the work of liberation.
Acknowledgment for Fluidity, Queer+ and Trans People
I acknowledge fluidity, transformation, and love as essential for the flourishing of humanity and I reject homophobia and transphobia in all its forms. I honor queer people and people who do not identify with the gender binary or with heternormativity (however they refer to themselves) as the spinal fluid of life; the rich, connective fluid of rebirth, love, and evolution that holds communities together. I acknowledge that without Queer+ and trans folx humanity loses itself and devolves into a fever of masculine vs feminine, self-hatred, and confusion. I savor multidimensionality, evolution, fluidity, and love in all its forms.

Acknowledgment for Indigenous People
I acknowledge indigeneity as humanity's natural state and indigenous people as the truest form of humanity. I honor the indigenous wisdom-keepers and knowledge holders who refused to give up their indigeneity and kept the pathway to this essential wisdom clear for colonized folx to find their way home. I acknowledge the power, tenderness, beauty and mundanity of indigenous people, who have held the truth of the non-dual nature of life in our universe.
Acknowledgment for Intelligence
I acknowledged that intelligence is gifted to all living beings and that institutionally sanctioned, or “formal,” education is not an indication of intelligence or ability. I reject all permutations of classism, including the paper ceiling. I honor the wisdom and intelligence inherent in each living being and savor the opportunity to learn from the wisdom of Life, through all of life.
Acknowledgment for the Land
I live and work on Huichin, the unceded territory of the Confederated Villages of the Lisjan Nation, known by its settler colonial name, Oakland, CA. It is a gift to have the opportunity to pay my shuumi land tax and move toward right-relationship with this land and its defenders. I honor this land as the ancestral homeland of the giant sequoia tree, the California ground squirrel, and the California scrub jay. I will work toward harmonious and reciprocal relationships with all the life on this land.

Acknowledgment for Madness and Insane People
I acknowledge that embracing multidimensionality is essential for the flourishing of humanity and reject sanism in all its forms. I embrace humanity's profound contradictory authenticity as matter and energy, earth and air, water and fire, and I accept that there are levels and layers of reality. I embrace humanity's ability to exist multidimensional without trying and honor that embracing our contradictory authenticity is the key to true harmony, which is not neat or tidy. I honor the contributions of visionaries, mad geniuses, and all those who dare to dream from other realms and gift us their wisdom/madness.
Acknowledgment for Youth and Young People
I acknowledge that young people are essential to the flourishing of humanity, and I reject adultism in all its forms. I honor young people's wisdom, power, enthusiasm, imagination, and presence in the moment as a gift to the community. I embrace the wisdom of youth because it is the state of being closest to the void of creation, which brings newness, refreshment, and evolution in the form of play, laughter, and a rejection of oppression's seriousness, spite, and sourness. I embrace young people as the bringers of sweetness, joy, unbridled power, and laughter.
Acknowledgment for Life
I acknowledge that Life is alive, Life is bigger and stronger than me, and that Life endlessly seeks to increase life. I honor Life as the grand orchestrator of the symphony of life and I reject anthropocentrism in all its forms. Because Life endlessly seeks more aliveness, I know that Life is working to increase my point of greatest aliveness even when I do not understand or perceive Life's broader perspective. I honor all life on this planet as my community and see the inherent aliveness, value, purpose, and necessity of earth, air, water, fire, birds, plants, insects, viruses, and bacteria.