Become Too Interdependently Resilient To Fail

Oppression has taught us to fear our true nature as living systems.
We can divest from oppression as a life strategy and reclaim our natural ability to move with the river of life, not against it. This personal liberation will enable us to work for collective liberation with more power, clarity, and resilience.
We find the success and safety we crave by embracing our (true) nature.
All living systems are governed by rules that protect, nourish, and balance the system. To break free from oppression personally, institutionally, and collectively, we begin by remembering we are nature.
We can remember we are nature by using the 18 Liberatory Practices of Libreatory Biomimicry.
The paradigm of nature, which I call "Liberation," is rooted in power, interdependence, and flow. From this liberated state, we take actions that leverage evolution, turn problems into solutions, and become too interdependently healthy to fail.
Liberatory Biomimicry will guide you to reclaim your aliveness and heal the trauma of oppression so you can think from liberation and thrive as the nature you are.
Get started

How to learn the practice
The Unleashing Aliveness Deck
This tarot-sized card deck comes in a Liberatory, Organizational, or Combo deck and includes everything you need to begin the practice of Liberatory or Organizational Biomimicry.
Small Group Training
For nonprofit boards, leadership teams, and staff. Trainings can be curated to your industry's unique culture to build buy-in and relevance; your theoretical frameworks, worldviews & commitments, lingo/jargon, learning strategies, and commonplace industry scenarios. See Past Client Examples.
Leadership Coaching
My exclusive leadership coaching methodology combines four powerful equity support services into a paradigm-shifting 3-month program. The capacity you build is yours to leverage for the rest of your career.
Free Download of My Framework
This PDF includes a short introduction and all 18 Liberatory Practices of Liberatory Biomimicry. PDF does not include the instructional guidebook that comes with the deck.